We closed permanently in 2020. Please continue supporting incredible Bay Area chocolatiers like Michael’s Chocolates and Neo Cocoa.


How to Care for Your Chocolates

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The chocolates above have suffered through a smacking during removal from the molds. Yours will not look like this, unless you subject them to blunt force trauma or a child eagerly shaking the box to decipher what's inside. Here's what we recommend:

  1. Savor promptly. We don't say this (just) because it's cute, but because it's the best way to enjoy them. While our chocolates have a shelf life of 2-3 weeks, they will be the most flavorful and beautiful they'll ever be during their first week in your possession.
  2. Store in a cool, dry place away from light. This could be your desk drawer, a kitchen cabinet, under your bed, or next to the fake book in your library that opens a secret door.
  3. If you desperately want to keep them longer, place them in an air-tight container or wrap it in plastic wrap for safe keeping in the fridge. Allow at least 6 hours (24 hours is best) at room temperature before unwrapping or removing from the air-tight container. This will extend the shelf life to 1-2 months.

In summary: Savor promptly. Keep them dry and cool. Wrap them up to store longer in the fridge.

So Shiny, Narcissus Might Fall In

Turkish tea and cookies bonbons, with Turkish tea milk chocolate ganache and a shortbread cookie inside.

Turkish tea and cookies bonbons, with Turkish tea milk chocolate ganache and a shortbread cookie inside.

People often ask us how we get our chocolates so shiny.

Step one: Cut a hole in the box. Step two: We’re just joking with you. Really, step one is polishing the polycarbonate (hard plastic) molds with microfiber polishing cloths. This is the first thing you do to get chocolate super shiny. Next, we melt and keep colored cocoa butter at the right working temperature and paint the molds. Lost of folks use airbrushes, and we’re not poo-pooing that technique, but we prefer to work without them. We fingerpaint, use brushes, and blow cocoa butter off of spatulas or around in the molds using a handheld air pump. Sometimes we use a little luster dust, with or without alcohol, to make designs. Then we temper chocolate and line the molds with it, creating a thin chocolate shell.