We closed permanently in 2020. Please continue supporting incredible Bay Area chocolatiers like Michael’s Chocolates and Neo Cocoa.

We closed permanently in June 2020

This is here (for now) to capture our time as a business.

Questions? See our FAQ at the bottom.

Sprinkle pool at the Museum of Ice Cream.

Sprinkle pool at the Museum of Ice Cream.

ca·dence choc·o·lates (ˈkā-dən(t)s ˈCHäk(ə)ləts)

  1. n. Bonbons handcrafted in San Francisco.

  2. v. To find your rhythm and savor the moment.

We want to make fresh chocolates you love and deliver them as soon as possible.




If there's ever an issue with a delivery, please contact us ASAP and we'll make it right: hello@cadencechocolates.com or 415 890 3738

Our Chocolates


Cadence Chocolates was awarded five times in their first SF International Chocolate Salon, including Gold in Milk Chocolate. See all their accolades from SFICS here.

We take great pride in our vegan offerings and strive to make chocolates that are as memorable as they are delicious. Fact: 50% of our custom wedding chocolate requests are vegan.

Everything is done by hand, from painting, filling and sealing to packaging. Cadence Chocolates are the culmination of hours of care that you can taste and see.

We do our best to incorporate local ingredients. From freshly foraged lavender to community garden lemon verbena to organic farmers market finds, we can't help indulging in the bounty that surrounds us. Please see our menu for available flavors.

Read what other people are saying about our chocolates here and here.


While we employ best practices in food handling to avoid cross contamination with common allergens, the equipment and facility used to make our chocolates is also used for products containing milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, and wheat.

Our Story


Cadence Chocolates is an artisanal chocolate company handcrafting delicious, beautiful bonbons. Our chocolatier learned the craft during long hours in fine dining restaurants and left it behind to bring you that same level of chocolate outside the prix fixe menu.

The mindset "savor promptly" drives our small batch sizes. We don't have a storefront or warehouse full of chocolates waiting on shelves to be bought while their flavors fade; we make chocolates to order so you get the freshest, most flavorful chocolates possible. On the rare occasion that we offer boxed flavor sets, the chocolates are produced in small batches for a limited sale, and we always sell out.

In a commitment to the environment and the two-wheeled culture of this city, we deliver by bike whenever possible in San Francisco.



Our Chocolatier

Chocolatier Melissa Santos making ganache to fill chocolates.

Chocolatier Melissa Santos making ganache to fill chocolates.

Cadence Chocolates was in the back of Melissa Santos' mind before it ever had a name. Our chocolatier grew up in western Washington and started baking at the age of ten, making lemon bars and brownies out of a box with her mom for piano recitals. She studied biology at the University of Puget Sound and modeled in southeast Asia before anyone suggested doing what she liked to do for her career.

Her love of baking kickstarted a pastry career in fine dining kitchens in Singapore. After a year at Iggy’s, she returned to the west coast and worked in the Bay Area restaurants Coi, Plum, and Commis. Four years of fine dining and woeful paychecks later, she decided she would rather start a business doing the thing she loved most. She spent a year working in production kitchens to feel it out and during that time, Cadence Chocolates was born.

When she's not working chocolate magic or being a part-time wordsmith, she enjoys biking, cooking, escape rooms and reading. She laments being a long distance aunt and doing less yoga. When no one else is in the kitchen, the podcasts Call Your Girlfriend, Reply All, and My Favorite Murder keep her company.

photo by Kate Romano

Q: Where are you located? Is there a storefront?

A: We make our chocolates in San Francisco out of a shared kitchen and sell them online. While there’s no physical shop, we do local bike delivery to most SF neighborhoods, offer order pickup at Video Wave in Noe Valley, and ship if the weather is OK.

Bike delivery neighborhoods: Bernal Heights, Mission, Downtown, Soma, Financial District, Western Addition, Nopa, Haight Ashbury, Lower Haight and Inner Richmond. Feel free to check in with us on possible delivery fees beyond these places.

Q: Do you sell your chocolates anywhere else?

A: You can find them by the piece at Video Wave in Noe Valley. We also started collaborating with Dandelion Chocolate in 2017 on their advent calendar and look forward to it every year. Honestly, we love bike delivering around San Francisco and can probably bring them right to your door if you’re local.

Q: The online shop says “sold out”—when will you restock?

A: Hopefully soon! We generally put a notice up for around when we’ll be restocked and announce new batches on social media. Sometimes we close for private events or to give the team a break, so we set the shop to “sold out.” We (and the chocolates) will be back, promise.

Q: Do you ever offer deals, discounts or free shipping?

A: Delivery is free on order $55+. Please use promo code FREEDEL55 at checkout.

Q: How fast can I get chocolates? Can I get them the same day I order?

A: We typically need at least two days from ordering to out the door. Custom orders require at least one month notice and full payment in advance—email us at hello@cadencechocolates.com to talk.

Q: Where do you ship?

A: SF neighborhoods outside of our bike delivery range, the lower 48 states and Alaska, weather permitting. During warm weather, we will only ship to places where USPS Priority Shipping will arrive the next day.

Q: When do you ship and how long does it take for them to arrive?

A: We typically ship Monday—Wednesday so they arrive by Saturday at the latest with USPS priority shipping. We’ll check the weather and time it for the safest weather in transit. It usually takes us a couple days to assemble your order and you’ll receive tracking info when the shipping label is made.

Q: Can I place an order in advance?

A: Absolutely! Order through the website and note when you’d like them. If we’re sold out, email us at hello@cadencechocolates.com to make arrangements.

Q: How do I get custom chocolates?

A: Give us plenty of notice (at least a month) and reach out using our custom order form. Custom work requires a deposit to hold your date and payment in full four weeks prior to delivery.

Q: How do you make them?

A: With a lot of patience and care. We wrote a blog post about our chocolate making process.

Q: Do you offer vegan or plant-based chocolates?

A: Yes! Actually most of our flavors are dairy-free.

Q: Do you accommodate dietary restrictions and allergies?

A: We try our best, but we do work in a shared kitchen so it’s possible that ingredients you’re trying to avoid are present in trace amounts. If dining out would generally be problematic, our chocolates might not be the right fit.

Q: Do you donate chocolates or sponsor events?

A: Yes! Our sponsorship and profit sharing is dedicated to  nonprofits, NGOs, and organizations that align with our values of lifting up underserved communities, caring for each other and equality. Please email hello@cadencechocolates.com if this sounds like you. Outside of that, we love people that value our work and are happy to discuss paid business opportunities.

Q: I can get you really great exposure, how do you feel about collaborating?

A: Exposure in trade for goods or services is an offer that generally makes artists feel undervalued and their financial situations worse for it. Please respect our time and skills by offering proper compensation.

Q: Do you offer classes?

A: We used to, but it turns out we’re much happier spending our days making chocolate for you. Feel free to email us at hello@cadencechocolates.com with questions, we love novice chocolatiers. We’ve heard really great things about classes with Rachel Dunn and intensive classes with Melissa Coppel.

Q. Where did you learn how to make chocolates?

A. Chocolatier Melissa trained in fine dining restaurants in Singapore and the Bay Area. She loved learning from her mentors Andres Lara while at Iggy’s and Joshua Meiseman while at Commis.

Q: Are you hiring?

A: We’re a small business and are not looking to expand the team at this time.

Thank You

Many people have shared their stories, experience, and knowledge with us. This list is anything but exhaustive, but we are ever grateful to:


Albaro at Your Printer, for his patience and making our very first printed materials for packaging look good

Alexandra at Gâté Comme des Filles

Alexandria Brooks for patiently packaging with us and giving us perspective

Andres Lara, for teaching us how to make it dance

Ann Marie at Crumb, for helping us think through plenty, source ingredients, and a lot of laughing

Camille Villanueva for help with screen printing and being a creative and heartwarming friend

Casey and Talia for smiling through the heat and too many rooftop chocolates to give a human touch to our photos

Cole at Black Sands

Dandelion Chocolate

I-Li at Vice Chocolates

Ivan O’Neill, for his support, resident taste testing, and evangelism

Issac at Cacao

Jesikah Stolaroff, for being the best friend ever

Joshua Meiseman, for being an incredible mentor and giving us tiny work for big hands

Kate Romano, for wondrous food photography

Katie Wallace, for creating our logo and font for packaging

Lazy Bear

Maggie Chen for being a quick study and her excellent packaging skills

 at Have Your Cake

Michel Bistro

Mindy at Jade Chocolates

Potrero Garden
for their amazing herbs and produce

Praz at City Copy & Print, for being quick, responsive, and turning out excellent printed materials when I'm (persistently) in a pinch

Ruby Guerra, for painting and packaging chocolates with attention to detail

Simon Sebastian, for asking Melissa what she wanted to do and telling her to go do that

Steve at The Chocolate Makers Studio

Too many friends to count